Neurologist Writes to Praise Unsung Heroes

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To whom it may concern,

My name is Nic Brennecke. I am a 2012 premed graduate. I completed my medical degree at The Ohio State University College of Medicine, my seminary training at Virginia Beach Theological Seminary, and I’m currently a resident neurologist at Case Western Reserve University near downtown Cleveland, Ohio. I am grateful for the excellent liberal arts education I received at BJU.

During this strange time, a sort of once-in-a-lifetime pandemic, I’ve found it useful to reflect on hospital experiences through writing, with particular focus on the quiet individuals working alongside physicians and nurses during this time, including patient transport staff, environmental services staff, and dining services staff. They are unsung heroes, in my opinion, important components of any hospital operation. Likewise, I’ve enjoyed watching how the pandemic has changed our local neighborhood, creating opportunity for interactions, observations, or changes of habit that might not otherwise happen.

These writings have been published by our region’s main news source,, and recognized by Case Western Reserve University’s campus newspaper, “The Daily.” Noting BJUtoday is collecting COVID-related experiences of alumni, I thought I would pass these writings along.


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Nic Brennecke with his family

Nic Brennecke
PGY3 Resident Neurologist
Case Western Reserve University
Class of ’12
