Around Greenville: Where to Study Off Campus

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Students study off campus at Scandi Tiny Coffee

We asked BJU students where the best places are to study off campus. Some answers were creative, to say the least. Some of the more imaginative included “Tortuga,” “Whoville,” “Alaska” and “The cemetery across the street. So quiet. …”

While others claimed to be “sworn to secrecy,” most students did give legitimate answers, almost all of which were coffee shops. And why not? A coffee shop is the ideal location: a quiet, relaxing atmosphere paired with delicious beverages and snacks.

Which locales did students favor? A couple of national chains made the list, but most are locally owned companies.

Both Bridge City Coffee and Coffee Underground offer BJU students a discount.

Other suggestions included “parked anywhere in the back of my SUV with the windows down” and heading to a friend’s or family member’s house.

Of course, there are always places to study on campus. Students’ favorites include the residence hall study rooms, the Seminary and the gazebo.

Catch up on our Around Greenville series to see more of what our city and the area around it has to offer.
