Restricted Church Focus of GO Week

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Global Opportunities Week banner

In 1987, BJU held its first Missionary Emphasis Week. Since then, the event now known as Global Opportunities Week, or GO Week, takes place annually. The week-long event introduces students to mission opportunities they can support and join after graduation.

GO Week 2019 will follow the theme of “Enduring Temporal Persecution for an Enduring Eternal Possession,” in accordance to Hebrews 10:32–34. Sept. 30 to Oct. 4, the campus will bustle with opportunities that will help students reflect on the persecuted church and their role in its ministry.

See Also: Missions and the Renewed Persecution of Christianity in China

Chapel Messages

September 30, 11–11:45 a.m.
Founder’s Memorial Amphitorium

Special guests will speak on bringing the Gospel to restricted access countries and what the Lord has already done in those nations.

Coffee Bar and Short-Term Expo

September 30, 6–7 p.m.
The Den

Students are invited to enjoy a cup of coffee while socializing with organizations presenting their short-term ministry opportunities.

Missions Advance

September 30, 9 p.m.
Alumni Building, room 217

The student-led organization will hold its regular meeting and invites the whole campus to join them in learning more about missionary work in restricted access nations.

Prayer for China

October 1, 7:30 a.m.
Bridge of Nations

The International Student Organization welcomes students, faculty and staff to start the day by praying together for God’s blessings on China and for the Gospel to spread powerfully.


October 1 and October 3, 11–11:45 a.m.
Locations to be announced

Different speakers—including special guests and students—will host workshops around campus on this year’s theme. Topics include serving God as ESL teachers, the personal cost of communicating the Gospel, using business skills as a ministry opportunity, and others.

Displays in Davis Room

October 1–3, 11:45 a.m.–7 p.m.
The Dixon-McKenzie Dining Common, Davis Room

For two afternoons 40 organizations will introduce their missions’ ministries to students and offer different involvement opportunities.

Letters for Persecuted Christian Prisoners

October 3, 9 –11 a.m.
Student Center

The Ministry Chapel officers will set up tables where students can stop by to write letters to send to pastors currently imprisoned for their faith.

Dispatches from the Front: No Regrets, No Retreat

October 2, 8 p.m.
Stratton Hall

Missions Advance invites students, faculty and staff to watch this Frontline Missions International project. The film gives an engaging look at the growth of Christianity in a restricted access nation.

Underground: The Persecuted Church Experience

October 4, 10 p.m.–12 a.m.
War Memorial Chapel

Missions Advance will be directing this two-hour underground church experience where students can glimpse what many Christians who live in restricted access countries experience on a daily basis.

With diverse activities all over the campus that embody this year’s theme, Global Opportunities Week will encourage prayer and action to support the persecuted church.
