Photo of memorial near Dr. Lee Ormiston’s home for teens killed in gang-related death (Photo by Christopher Harmony)
Images of civil unrest afflicting U.S. urban communities stream across the TV screen, raising questions of “Why?” and “How can the church reach out in love without fear?”
Two seasoned ministers of the Gospel, one serving in the epicenter of the recent conflict, Minneapolis, and the other serving in Chicago, a city in continual upheaval, will provide insight and practical guidance from a biblical perspective during the Stewart Custer Lecture Series presented by BJU Seminary.
Dr. Lee Ormiston, pastor of Family Baptist Church in North Minneapolis for 23 years, and Ervin McNeill, chaplain at Pacific Garden Mission in Chicago for over 30 years, will address how ambassadors for God can be sensitive to social justice issues, stand against racism while avoiding the agendas of Black Lives Matter, and express compassion while holding forth biblical truth.
“It is dangerous in some respects. But the other side of it is there’s a tremendous need, tremendous opportunity,” Ormiston said. “If we’re trying to outreach, there’s a lot of hurting people, and I don’t think I’ve seen a more receptive group. What we need is Christians who are burdened for souls, burdened to make a difference for the Lord Jesus Christ, burdened to be the light that He has called us to be.”
The free virtual conference will be conducted from 7–9 p.m. ET Nov. 12–13. Register to join online both days.