3 Reasons Parents Should Attend Summer Orientation

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Recently, I read an article to parents of incoming freshman called “To Be or Not to Be at Orientation.” I’m in a similar spot as the author, having a daughter coming to BJU as a freshman in the fall. And what the author says resonates with what other parents of freshman have told me.

Summer orientation helps you transition.

As our children grow, our grip on the choices they make loosens. You’re entering a transitional time in your relationship, and your child needs you to be their biggest cheerleader—but from the sidelines. Orientation gives you the opportunity to learn what support systems BJU has to help your child when (not if!) they need it.

Summer orientation introduces you to other parents.

At summer orientation, you will have the opportunity to meet other parents in the same situation as you. The Mom-to-Mom and Dad-to-Dad sessions allow you to talk with people who have “been there, done that.”

Summer orientation answers questions.

Students come to BJU as freshman wondering if they have what it takes to be successful. Orientation is a great time for you and them to learn what success looks like and how to achieve it. There are several sessions geared toward specific majors as well as sessions related to what it means to be a thriving student.

If you haven’t registered for summer orientation yet, please do. Whether your child is coming from across the country or across the street, you will gain beneficial insights into their college experience. And smooth the transition into having a student at BJU.
