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Summer greetings from Greenville! I’m hearing that many of you are having an incredible summer as you work and you minister on the job, churches, camps, ministries. We are praying for you, that your efforts would be fruitful, that you will grow personally, and that you’ll see specific results from your ministry efforts.
It’s very hard to believe that we’re already past the mid-point of summer break. I’m going to be gone the rest of the month ministering in summer camps, and here on campus we are making final preparations for your return and anticipating your arrival the week of Aug. 15.
God was so gracious to us last year as we had to deal with all of the issues of COVID-19, and we are thankful for the Lord’s guidance and leading as we were able to hold in-person classes the entire year. So, what will things be like in the fall semester? Well, COVID-19 is still with us, and things will be different. We will not follow last semester’s protocols. Student Health Services will still operate in Reveal, and if a physician diagnoses some students with COVID-19, they will be able to quarantine and attend classes virtually.
But that will not be a major focus. Our goal from Day 1 this next semester will be to provide a robust experience for each of you in classes, chapels, the residence halls, sporting events, and all campus activities. In short, we want an entire semester where you can enjoy the full college experience once again. At the same time, we understand some of you may still be cautious and wear a mask at some venues. You certainly will be welcome to do so.
In the remaining weeks of summer break, I encourage you to stay in God’s Word, spend time with your family, and prepare for an incredible semester ahead. We can’t wait to see you in August. God bless.