COVID & Campus Life

We believe personal responsibility—like handwashing, proper rest, good nutrition, covering coughs, and normal caution in social settings—is the key to protecting your health.

Our university campus is a community environment and each of us bears a responsibility to help protect that environment. It is important if you develop any COVID symptoms (fever greater than 100.4, persistent sore throat, difficulty breathing, unexplained muscle aches, new cough, loss of senses of smell or taste, runny or congested nose, feeling unusually weak or fatigued) that you avoid exposing others and get tested as soon as possible.

Active Cases

Updated Tuesday, March 15

Faculty & Staff
Isolation Space Available

1 The number of current cases is updated at the end of the day every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

2 The number of current cases reflects active COVID-19 cases for students and faculty/staff whether in isolation in Reveal or off campus.

3 The number of faculty/staff includes only employees of BJU, Inc.

4 The quarantine/isolation space available percentage reflects the current occupancy of our primary quarantine facility. Should the need arise, we also have an auxiliary facility that is available for use.


Students with COVID-19 symptoms should contact Student Health Services at (864) 241-1685 or [email protected] during business hours (8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday–Friday) to set up an appointment for a rapid antigen test on campus. Please do this before going to class or chapel.

If you become ill outside of business hours, you will need to get tested with one of the testing options listed below. Any student who tests positive must notify Student Health Services and your residence hall supervisor. If you are sick and need assistance outside of business hours, you may call the Prisma Health BJU Student Access Line at (864) 455-9327 and contact your residence hall supervisor.

Additional Options for COVID-19 Testing:

COVID-19 rapid Self-tests kits are available at Walmart and most drug stores. Please follow the directions carefully and if you test positive, please inform your residence hall supervisor and the Student Health Office so they can assist you.

Testing is also available at some local retail pharmacies: CVS and Walgreens are two local examples. Many of the pharmacy choices require an appointment ahead of time for COVID testing, and testing is being done through their pharmacy drive through or they will come to your car for testing. Read the website information carefully!

What to Do When Positive

Students who test POSITIVE for COVID-19 must go home or move into Reveal Student Isolation Residence Hall until you meet the return to class criteria. (See below) The Reveal Student Isolation Residence is equipped to care for students’ personal and academic needs. Students will receive housing, meals, counseling, and, if needed, health checks via virtual doctor visits.

Symptomatic day students who receive a COVID-19 test will need to isolate at home until their results come back. Please call or email Student Health Services (864-241- 1685, [email protected]) to let us know that you are being tested and are in quarantine. We will document that information so that your professors will be aware of your status. Please contact us for further instructions when you get your results back.

  • If the results come back NEGATIVE, you will return to class.
  • If the results come back POSITIVE, you will isolate at home until you meet the return-to-class criteria. (See below).

When to Return to Class

Students who have tested positive for COVID-19 may return to class after they meet the following criteria:

  • 5 days have passed since onset of symptoms and
  • 24 hours have passed since last fever above 100.4F without the use of fever reducing medications and
  • Symptoms (e.g., cough, shortness of breath) have improved.