Anthony Nye Named to President’s Club

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Greenville, S.C. (November 21, 2013) – In the University’s chapel service Nov. 21, Dr. Stephen Jones, president of Bob Jones University, awarded Anthony Nye, a junior biology major from Indianapolis, Ind., the Partner Award.

One of six President’s Club awards, the Partner Award is given to a student who has shown himself to be a partner with BJU in the cause of training young people to serve the Lord by promoting or contributing to its programs in a self-sacrificing way.

One of Anthony’s professor’s wrote, “Anthony is a top-notch student who serves others in the classroom by readily engaging in discussion and asking relevant questions. He also serves as a lab assistant where he is currently the team leader for Genetics Lab, a senior-level course. He is diligent and accurate in his work, and can regularly be seen helping students at any time of the day with just about any matter.

However, what is most impressive and self-sacrificial about Anthony is his role as Peer Mentoring Leader for the biology department. He oversees ten General Biology study groups, which meet weekly to help students through this quite difficult course. He also, of his own accord, initiated a similar program for our Cell Biology course out of his appreciation for how the class changed his own thinking and out of his desire to serve others.

From my calculations, Anthony is contributing to the training of approximately 150 students this semester alone by fulfilling these various roles. Anthony embraces the philosophy of our biology program, and sacrificially serves his peers with a Christlike spirit as he looks for ways to enhance others’ experiences. He is an encouragement to me as a professor, and I consider him a Partner in the biology program.”

Anthony has chosen not only to derive personal benefit from the educational opportunities available at BJU but also to contribute to them by sacrificially mentoring others.

Students are nominated for President’s Club awards by faculty, staff and their peers, and a committee selects recipients from the nominations received. In addition to recognition in a President’s Club chapel, recipients have their photo displayed in the university Student Center and enjoy dinner with the President.

